Thoracolumbar brace „32/4”
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- Thoracolumbar brace „32/4” is a reusable medical product intended to support the treatment
- process and rehabilitation as indicated.
- – strengthening and protecting the muscles during patient's verticalization with orthopedic
- or neurological trauma
- – post-traumatic fractures and bruises of pathological vertebrae
- – radicular pain, neuropathic pain syndrome
- – lumbosacral pain syndromes
- – lumbosacral discopathy
- – degenerative changes of the lumbar spine – spondyloarthrosis
- – during the rehabilitation period for prophylactic treatment
- – spinous and transverse processes fractures after traumas
- – stabilization of the the lumbosacral section after surgery
- – relief of the paravertebral muscles while performing physical work in incorrect and forced
- positions for prophylactic treatment
- – when vertebral protection is needed after treatment with manual therapy
- Elastane: 20%
- Polypropylene: 18%