Specialities THROMBO-X is used for thrombosis prophylaxis in recumbent patients. It is suitable following surgical interventions (especially abdominal, lower abdominal and orthopedic surgery), after fractures or injuries to the legs and in cases of restricted mobility.

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  • Gentle: degressive pressure curve and compression of ~ 18 mmHg in the ankle area
  • Caring: skin-friendly and breathable
  • Practical: inspection port available on all models
    • Follow the instructions for care on the packaging and/or the textile labels. Wash inside a mesh laundry bag. The stocking must be stored at room temperature and in a dry place away from light. Keep away from direct heat.
    • Thrombosis prophylaxis exclusively in recumbent patients. In all situations with increased risk of thrombosis for bedridden patients:
    • During and after surgical interventions (particularly for stomach, abdominal, and orthopedic operations)
    • Following fractures or injuries to the legs
    • For those with limited mobility
    • Medical compression stockings must not be worn in the following cases:
    • Advanced peripheral arterial occlusive disease (if one of the following parameters applies: ABPI < 0.5, ankle blood pressure < 60 mmHg, toe blood pressure < 30 mmHg or TcPO2 < 20 mmHg instep).
    • Decompensated heart failure (NYHA III + IV)
    • Septic thrombophlebitis
    • Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
    • Relative contraindications, whereby benefits and risks must be weighed up, in particular:
    • Pronounced exuding dermatoses
    • Intolerance to compression material
    • Severe sensory disturbances of the extremity
    • Advanced peripheral neuropathy (e.g., in diabetes mellitus)
    • Primary chronic polyarthritis
    • Polyamide: 81%
    • Elastane: 17%
    • Polypropylene: 2%