Treating lipedema

Treating lipedema

When treating lipedema we differentiate between conservative therapy (e.g. with compression aids, appropriate nutrition, sport and, if required, manual lymph drainage) and surgical therapy using liposuction. Which form of treatment is right for you: undergo a thorough consultation with a specialist.

Conservative lipedema therapy

The focus of the lipedema therapy for most people is usually reduction of the pain and of the volume of the arms and/or legs. Physical measures in the form of the complex physical decongestive therapy (CPD) are used for this. This lipedema treatment comprises manual lymph drainage, compression therapy, physiotherapy and skin care.

Conservative lipedema therapy at various stages

In stage 1

In stage 1, seamless circular-knitted compression stockings may be used (e.g. from Sigvaris). Circular-knitted compression stockings have no seam and are used for venous disorders and edema in the early stages. In den meisten Fällen verweisen Experten jedoch bereits für Stadium 1 auf eine flachgestrickte Kompressionsversorgung (z. B. OPTIFORM FLEX / HOLD / FEEL von Sigvaris), auf die auch beim Sport nicht verzichtet werden sollte. Flat-knitted compression stockings have a seam and are mostly used to treat severe edema or for strongly variable body shapes.

In stages 2 and 3

Im Stadium 2 werden flachgestrickte Kompressionsstrümpfe mit Naht empfohlen (z. B. OPTIFORM FLEX / HOLD / FEEL von Sigvaris). The stockings should be worn and washed each day.

In addition, manual lymph drainage may take place in the event of accompanying existing edema. However, as the extent of edema in lipedema is considerably less than in lymphedema, the changes in circumference are usually only minimal.

Conservative lipedema therapy

Surgical therapy

If the patient continues to have symptoms despite consistent conservative therapy, liposuction is possible as a surgical measure. However, this should only be performed by a specialist experienced in this therapy. Take a personal consultation and find out whether your doctor has the required additional education and experience. For the optimal therapeutic success of liposuction, the conservative measures should be followed consistently beforehand and afterward and any secondary lymphedema decongested, if required.

The surgery usually leads to improvement of the symptoms of pain and pressure, as well a reduction of the tendency towards hematomas and edema. In addition, in many cases conservative therapy can be reduced, mobility increased and the patient's quality of life improved.


Surgical therapy for lipedema

Further reading

Proactivity in lipedema

Proactivity in lipedema

You can have a positive effect.
Treating lipedema

Treating lipedema

Learn all about the treatment of lipedema.


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